
ZJ40400 Anglo-German Comedy: Stress! with Mark Lyndon

Lassen Sie sich Mark Lyndons Betrachtungen des stressigen Lebens aus anglo-deutscher Perspektive nicht entgehen:

Just thinking about this is stressy! But, as Germans say, "Da muss man durch!" Mark wants you to go through it with him. Don't stress yourselves but think about: Who is most "stressgefährdet? How do Germans and Brits deal differently with stress? Why are Germans always "unter Strom"? Is there truth in the saying "Tee regt an, Kaffee regt auf"? What are the "Konsequenzen"? Why are Germans obsessed by stress? How effective is "Stress Training"? Which "Stressfaktoren" do Germans demonstrate at work? And how would Brits react? Why is "Feierabend" more stressy than "Arbeit"? How effective are the German "Freizeitstressbewältigungsmaßnahmen" and is it possible to get a "Freizeitstressbewältigungsmaßnahmenweiterbildungsmeisterprüfungszertifikat? Which causes more stress - being online or offline? Or on and offline? Why do we like "likes"?
Why do we find lack of "likes" stressy? Would the simplest solution to stress be a world without people? To paraphrase the French existentialist philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre: "Hell is other people" or, to quote Gabi at the Tankstelle: "Wenn alle Dummen knallen würden, hätten wir das ganze Jahr Silvester!"

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© Mark Lyndon



Adresse: Am Büchelter Hof 9
51373 Leverkusen

Termine zum diesen Kurs
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
18:30 - 20:45 Uhr
Am Büchelter Hof 9, Forum - Vortragssaal