
ZJ40350 Delicious Indian Cooking with Meat Cook, Eat and Make Conversation

While cooking exciting Indian dishes, the participants have the chance to practise and refresh their English in a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere. Today's menu comprises typical Indian curry dishes (chicken and lamb) served with fragrant rice and dal, a delicious dessert, a yoghurt drink (Lassi) and a nice cup of traditional Indian tea.
The fee includes a food charge of 18, - EUR.
Please bring an apron and a kitchen towel.

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Städt. Kath. Hauptschule, Küche

Adresse: Im Hederichsfeld 19
51379 Leverkusen

Termine zum diesen Kurs
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
18:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Im Hederichsfeld 19, OP, Städt. Kath. Hauptschule, Küche, Im Hederichsfeld 19